We're based in Saint Peter, Minnesota. Please drop us a line, email or call with inquiries or to set up a consultation.
Where We Work
Pollinator Garden Installations
Seed to Site is currently installing pollinator gardens to provide suitable habitat for Monarchs, bees, and other pollinator species. These gardens allow for less mowing, more enjoyment of nature, and an oasis for pollinators to thrive. As simple as a strip of native plants, to a more elaborate design, we've got just design for your budget!
Rain Gardens
Visit the Nicollet County Historical Society's History Center in Saint Peter, just off Hwy 169 and you'll see one of our rain gardens. These native plantings are hard at work capturing runoff to improve water quality, and they look beautiful too!
Minneopa State Park Vegetation Assessment
Minneopa State Park was once home to indigenous people, as well as a wide variety of wildlife. None more prolific as the American Bison (Bison bison), these majestic animals are being brought back to the park through a partnership with Blue Mound State Park. We've been contracted with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources over the past 9 years to monitor and report on the variety and health of browse suitable for Bison to sustain themselves.
Gustavus Adolphus College Arboretum
Seed to Site has worked with GAC to improve the health of the Linneaus Arboretum by GIS mapping vegetation and identifying invasive species to be removed by volunteers and students. We're also planting native species to replace those invasives. This is a great example of community partnership that Seed to Site encourages.
Minnesota State Unversity - Mankato ​
Seed to Site worked with MSU to wipe out and redo the Minnesota pollinator plots near outside of Ford Hall. We removed existing vegetation and hand selected local native plant species to provide eye-catching beauty to this renovated arboretum feature.
Southern Minnesota Native Seed Bank
The origination of native seed is important to the success of a native planting because each seed carries the information passed on from the parent plants that it will require to thrive in a given climate. Local ecotype seed and plants help ensure the success of restorations; our goal is to provided South-central Minnesota with this resource. If you own land with native plant populations, consider granting access to Seed to Site; your land could contribute to the conservation of local species for future generations.
St. Peter, MN 56082
E: ​
P: (507) 217-3876
T: @SeedtoSite
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